We are wishing all of our Northwood families a happy, healthy & safe time during the upcoming Holiday Break. Just some reminders. There is no school from Dec. 25th - Jan. 1st. Classes will resume on Jan. 2nd. The Tiny Seeds Learning Center will be open Dec. 27th - 28th. And the District Office be closed; however, there will be staff present working on a variety of projects. Enjoy your break!
Festive dress-up day #3 is a fun one! Wednesday is Ugy Christmas Sweater Day!
Day #2 for the festive dress-up days planned will be here quicker than we think. Tuesday is "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" and he needs his elves Day!
Northwood School has a week of festive dress-up days planned. Monday is Red & Green Day!
Tonight Northwood School is hosting the Middle & High School Band Holiday Concert at 6:00 PM in the Richards Auditorium. The live stream for the program can be found at:https://www.youtube.com/watch/PNI8KOBYqlo
There are some fun and festive dress-up days planned for next week at Northwood. See the graphic for details!
Do have some great photos of your students at a Northwood School event? We are looking for help from all of the Northwood family with pictures from different events at the school throughout the 2023-2024 school year at all grade levels. You can share up to 10 photos at one time. Use this link to share your photos with us today: https://forms.gle/6uiHp4aftWCADtTG8. Thanks in advance for your help! If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Birdsill at stephanie_birdsill@northwoodk12wi.com.
Just a reminder that Wednesday, December 13th there will be another Hats for Helping Day at Northwood School. The donations raised will be given to Comforts Food Pantry in Minong. Any student or staff who brings in $1.00, can wear a hat (which is against our dress code) or fun headband for the day. Those wanting to participate can come to the library in the morning with their donation to get a sticker from the Honor Society members.
The NorthStar, Middle & High School students had a door decking contest last week to add some holiday spirit to the hallways called "Deck the Halls of Northwood". Here is slide show of results: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vRB1OolxKT4RdUxeraB2Xhp_U4mAOQBPPyNwcVGU91hUAtz9e0HeBV-MfSrU1sqdH-mlXf4PWhJ-JvE/pub?start=true&loop=false&delayms=5000
Tonight Northwood School is hosting the Elementary Holiday Program at 6:00 PM in the Richards Auditorium AND there will be a special visit from Santa prior to the event. The live stream for the program can be found at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDSjYXxLVd4.
Did you know that the Wascott Community Club/Fire Department Auxiliary (WWC/FDA) collects cans at the Stop a Sec Store and they use the funds to helps different programs at Northwood School? See their letter for more information.
Northwood's middle and high school students received awards of recognition in six areas from the staff for the month of November. The six areas are showing respect, rising star, civility, academic improvement, community contribution, and personal achievement over obstacle. Here is a link to a slide show showing the recipients: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQK_AiPBKNmUzmo6f15B_9SDn65UTfL_KCHJqnvZ4tTY_o-ByG570Q8e3mnOA8b4JihVX9YR6i0J78z/pub?start=true&loop=false&delayms=3000
Catch the live streams for tonight's home events at Northwood at this link: https://fan.hudl.com/usa/wi/minong/organization/127187/northwoodschoo-high-school. Up first is the Middle School Boys Basketball vs. Prairie Farm with streaming starting at 4:45 PM and game starting at 5:00 PM. Then the Varsity Girls Basketball vs. New Auburn streaming starts at 6:50 PM with a 7:00 PM start to the game. Let's Go Big Green!
There will be a Hats for Helping Day on Wednesday, December 13th at Northwood. The donations raised will be given to Comforts Food Pantry in Minong. Any student or staff who brings in $1.00, can wear a hat (which is against our dress code) or fun headband for the day. Those wanting to participate can come to the library in the morning with their donation to get a sticker from the Honor Society members.
Just a reminder about the Holiday Concerts coming up next week at Northwood. The elementary holiday program is Tuesday, December 12th and the middle & high school holiday band concert is Thursday, December 14th. Both events start at 6:00 PM and are being held in the Richards Auditorium. We hope to see you all there! And if you cannot attend in-person, both events will be live streamed with links to come.
Just a reminder about that the Northwood Quiz Bowl Team is selling Candy Grams this year. Sales begin on Monday, December 4th. The cost is $ .50 each or $1.00 for 3. The candy grams can be purchased for any Northwood student or staff member, not just middle and high school students. Parents & guardians who want to purchase candy grams for their students can contact Ms. Hyry or the office. For more information, contact Ms. Hyry at jordan_hyry@northwoodk12wi.com.
We are getting closer to the date of Northwood's Annual Christmas Bazaar. At the bazaar, the students in PK-5th grade get a chance to buy presents for their family members and the gifts are wrapped for them to take home. This event is sponsored by Northwood's Student Council. The student council is looking for donations of men's gifts, tape, tissue paper, and/or wrapping paper. Please bring donations to the School Office by Friday, December 15th.
The Northwood Quiz Bowl Team is selling Candy Grams this year. Sales begin on Monday, December 4th. The cost is $ .50 each or $1.00 for 3. The candy grams can be purchased for any Northwood student or staff member, not just middle and high school students. Parents & guardians who want to purchase candy grams for their students can contact Ms. Hyry or the office. For more information, contact Ms. Hyry at jordan_hyry@northwoodk12wi.com.
Please note this athletic event change for Thursday, November 30th. The JV Boys Basketball game has been cancelled and the Varsity Boys Basketball game time has been moved up to 6:30 PM.
The Northwood Middle School Boys, Varisity Girls & Varsity Boys Basketball games on Tuesday, November 28th, will be live streamed via the Hudl website. Here is the link: https://fan.hudl.com/northwoodevergreensfan.hudl.com. The first game (MS boys vs. Shell Lake) begins at 4:45 PM with the live stream beginning at 4:30 PM. The Girls Varsity game vs. Birchwood begins at 5:45 PM and the Boys Varsity game vs. Birchwood starts at 7:15 PM. Go Big Green!