Our neighbors at the Birchwood School showing support to our Northwood family.... "The HS Student Council, with the help of the Birchwood and Mellen communities, raised $1,700 to be presented to the Northwood School District. The money was raised for a scholarship fund set up for Paul Vaara. Mr. Vaara was the 5th grade Northwood teacher and softball coach who died suddenly and leaves behind two school-aged daughters. Mr. Senn presented the check to the Northwood Athletic Director, Curt Zamzow, today. The community of Birchwood truly is amazing. #wearebirchwood"
about 5 years ago, Northwood School District
Mr. Zamzow receiving a check from Birchwood AD, Mr. Senn.
Our annual Family & Community Night at Northwood is on Thursday, March 19th from 4:00 - 7:30 p.m. This event is a fantastic opportunity for families and community members to come together to celebrate student achievement and learn about activities and resources throughout our community. There will be a variety of activities happening throughout the school on this evening. *PK-12 Student-led conferences *School and Community table displays in the gymnasium *FAB Lab Open House *Northwood Education Foundation Dinner (donation) *Book Fair If you would like to join us and share information with a display table on Family & Community Night, please reserve a table by Tuesday, March 17th. Email Mrs. Denninger (tammie_denninger@northwoodk12wi.com ) or call the school office at (715) 466-2297.
about 5 years ago, Northwood School District
WIAA Division 5 Girls’ Sectional Semi-Final basketball game between the Northwood Evergreens and the Hurley NorthStars
about 5 years ago, Northwood School District
about 5 years ago, Northwood School District
Mark your calendars! The Book Fair will begin March 16th.
about 5 years ago, Northwood School District
Scholastic Book Fair March 16th-20th.
A reminder that all juniors will be taking the ACT test tomorrow, March 3rd, at Northwood.
about 5 years ago, Northwood School District
ACT testing at Northwood, Tuesday, March 3rd.
Special guests were at the school today to kickoff Read Across America Week. The elementary students are excited about the challenge of being "EverReaders" (Reading Evergreens) and trying to reach reading goals to earn a trip for a fun day at JLAAC. The kickoff was fun today while the students played games with The Cat in the Hat and his friends Thing 1 and Thing 2.
about 5 years ago, Northwood School District
Cat in the Hat
Relay Race
Congratulations to the team for becoming the Regional Champs this past Saturday! They will be playing the Sectional semi-final this Thursday vs. Hurley. This game will be at the Hayward H.S. beginning at 7pm. Please attend to support our Evergreens!
about 5 years ago, Northwood School District
Regional Champs
Save the Date! Come join us for our open house on March 19, 2020 from 4pm-8pm! Raffles will be held with a chance to win $150, a Traeger Smoker, hand made electric guitars made in the Fab Lab, etc. https://plus.smilebox.com/play?g=1359d996-93ab-4b08-abb5-ffc67511bd20&sbid=3466
about 5 years ago, Benjamin Sorensen
Save the Date
Chances to win
Open House
Enterprise Logo
Blood Drive - Friday, March 6th from 9 AM - 1 PM (appointments still available). Contact the school or use this link: https://www.mbcherohub.club/index.cfm?group=op&step=2&opid=55547&opidh=2EFA909515643E9FAB268A2F75A7DCBD&idt=43886.6074074.
about 5 years ago, Northwood School District
Blood Drive, Friday, March 6th from 9 AM - 1 PM.
Congrats to the students on the Middle School Forensics team! ALL 34 students earned blue ribbons at the Eau Claire Level 2 competition last night! We're so proud of their hard work and dedication! Great Job!
about 5 years ago, Northwood School District
Click the following link and enter the password (NSSB2020) to order Baseball gear: https://chippewavalleysportinggoods.itemorder.com/ Click the following link and enter the password (NSSFP2020) to order Softball gear: https://chippewavalleysportinggoods.itemorder.com/
about 5 years ago, Northwood School District
Today is Hats for Helping - The charity for this day is the Kids Heart Challenge (American Heart Association).
about 5 years ago, Northwood School District
Hats for Helping
Congrats to our 1st place winners that will represent Washburn county in Green Bay at STATE! Both are the only ones moving on representing northern Wisconsin. Way to go NorthStar!
about 5 years ago, Northwood School District
Hats for Helping - The next Hats for Helping event sponsored by the National Honor Society will be Wednesday, Feb. 5th. Students and staff can bring in $1.00 to the library to receive their stickers. This month's charity is the Australian Red Cross Disaster Relief & Recovery Organization.
about 5 years ago, Northwood School District
Hats for Helping - Wednesday, Feb. 5th
Congrats to Middle School Forensics!
about 5 years ago, Northwood School District
Congratulations to the Northwood Quiz Bowl team, who finished first in the standings of the High Quiz Bowl league! They were evenly matched with Superior Wednesday afternoon but emerged victorious, with a score of 70-50! We will certainly miss our seniors next year.
about 5 years ago, Northwood School District
Quiz Bowl
Dance for Dementia - January 11- Gordon Town Hall - Cassidy Coon's Senior Exit Project
about 5 years ago, Northwood School District
NorthStar/Northwood Governance Council Friday, January 10th at 7:00 a.m.
about 5 years ago, Northwood School District
Today the students and staff celebrated Ms. Sally's retirement after 27 years at Northwood. Everyone packed the library to wish her well and the staff gathered together at the end of the day to capture the moment with a picture. Ms. Sally will definitely be missed by her Northwood family!
about 5 years ago, Northwood School District
Happy Retirement, Ms. Sally!!