"Think FAST!" That is today's Kid's Heart Virtual Challenge. Learn how to recognize if someone is having a stroke. Check it out here:
Dear Northwood Families, OUR TEACHERS, ADMIN & STAFF NEED YOUR SMILES! Cheer them on for being SUPERHEROES! Here's your mission, and it's simple for anyone to do! 1 -Click on the link shorturl.at/dBDGW to print out your own copies of our 'To Grow Every Day is the Evergreen Way' poster, or make your own version with this message! Decorate it, write messages to your teachers if you want, or just use them as they are! 2- Snap a photo of your kids holding their poster. If you would prefer not to post pics of faces, use just the poster, or the poster in their hands. 3 - Post your Evergreen photos or videos to our Evergreen Storytime Facebook page! We will create a stream of cheerful photos and notes to our Northwood family to cheer them on! PLEASE SHARE THIS MESSAGE with your friends! Evergreen Poster link:
Here is a recap of all of the dress-up days for Virtual Spirit Week. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vTbM14N1fZL4BVIRciehREOvsE3K6A0fmARVybdBj-odPed466N--5c-JUM68_mMsZiB56zj6H-3-Qh/pub?start=true&loop=true&delayms=3000
Let's have some more fun with a virtual Challenge Week from April 6 - April 10. Post your pictures for the day to the Evergreen Storytime Facebook Group page. #NWEvergreens
In response to the Coronavirus, Northwood has created a landing page containing important information about community resources, technology needs & internet access, food service, and all of the contacts & classroom websites to help your student learn at home. This page will continually be updated with information and can be used as your go-to for COVID-19 related questions. This landing page can be accessed in the pop-up window of our website, the banner at the top of our webpage, and within our Northwood cell phone app. Here is a link to the new page. We hope that you will find this resource beneficial and, as always, please feel free to contact us with any additional questions or concerns that you may have. https://sites.google.com/northwoodk12wi.com/northwood-learningathome/home
Happy Friday Evergreens!
This painting was created by senior Alli Gouge for her monochromatic painting project. Look at those clouds!! Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Day 5 of the Kids Heart Virtual Challenge is "Connecting the Dots". Set some goals and stay healthy!
Day 4 of the Kids Heart Virtual Challenge "Jump Around!" Grab a jump rope and take a look!
Good Morning! Today I would like to share with you these adorable, fuzzy monochromatic penguins created by freshman Autumn Volkmuth. She did a fabulous job of adding texture and creating many tints and shades of blue. Stay creative Evergreens!
Looking to check out school library books? Mrs. Birdsill can help you out. Check out this Google Form which explains how (https://forms.gle/TLm4SGwxs938zdyS6). Books can be picked up from the school Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 10 AM - 1 PM or they can be delivered with the meals to your home.
Happy April everyone! This amazing drawing was sent to me from sophmore Aidan Morris for one of his at home drawings. I am in awe! May the Force be with you!
Day 3 of the 10 day Kids Heart Virtual Challenge is also about "Knowing your Heart"...you and your family can learn a live saving skill today! Check it out here:
Northwood was just given free access to nearly 10,000 eBook titles from MackinVIA. Check out the information on the library's website at: https://www.northwood.k12.wi.us/o/northwood-school-district/page/library-media-center--76.
Don't forget to check out the 10 Day Kids Heart Virtual Challenge! Day 2 is "Know your Heart"
I recieved this photo from sophmore Carissa Hintz. She created it for her at home drawing project and submitted it at the end of last week. She did such a great job of getting all of the different values! Stay creative Evergreens!
Northwood High School is excited to announce that our School Board has decided to partner with WITC for our Driver’s Education program beginning the 2020-21 school year. This partnership will provide our students with more flexibility for the classroom component of the course. There will be three options with this change to the classroom aspect:
Online Option - Learn online at your own pace.
Interactive Video (ITV) Option - Learn during classes in the evening that connect with a live instructor.
Face-To-Face Option - This face-to-face option will be taught at Northwood School either before school, after school, or classes during the summer.
Regarding the behind the wheel time training, this will still be done at the Northwood School District through WITC. The same driving instructors plan to continue their roles as usual.
If you have any questions, you can email Mr. Kelly or Mrs. Farris at the Northwood School or contact the WITC Driver Training Program at 1-800-243-9482 ext 5777 or driversed@witc.edu
Hello from Mrs.Hailey!
I miss you all very much in music class and hope you are all finding fun ways to spend time together as a family learning from home! Here is a fun Music At Home BINGO board for you all to do in our time away from each other. You can find videos and links to fun music games and pages on the Northwood Elementary Music page! Keep singing and smiling!"
Link: sites.google.com/northwoodk12wi.com/northwoodmusic/elementary-music
Happy Monday everyone!! I thought this photo was a great way to start the week! This painting was created by freshman Naomi Finstad. She created this monochromatic painting in tints and shades of blue, and did an excellent job fading the sky! Stay creative Evergreens!
Let's kick cabin fever to the curb with the 10 Day Kids Heart Virtual Challenge! Click on the link to see a daily challenge, today's challenge is "Everybody Dance Now!"
Hey Elementary Evergreen Artists! Below is a link to my website with some at home art ideas. Please email me photos, or share them on here of any at home art you do! Stay creative Evergreens! https://sites.google.com/northwoodk12wi.com/ms-sorensen-art/elementary-art?authuser=0