If you have any questions on how band will work at Northwood this fall, please check out this presentation created by Mrs. Turinske. This covers 5th Grade Beginning Band, MS and HS Band, and students in the Virtual School participating in band. If you have any questions make sure to e-mail Mrs. Turinske and she will be happy to help!
There are still 20 elementary / middle school / NorthStar yearbooks available for those who would like one. They are $12.00. Contact Mrs. Birdsill at stephanie_birdsill@northwoodk12wi.com if you would like one. Also, if you reserved a copy, but have not paid for it yet, we will only hold on to those until mid-September and then those will be available for others to purchase. So, please send your payment with your child as soon as possible. All checks can be made out to the school.
The Northwood Family would like to thank everyone for a great start to the school year. We all appreciate your support! We also appreciate all the work that went into preparing your children for the school year.
The District would also like to thank all the employees for their work preparing our building and classrooms for our students. We made quite a few changes as we prepared for the start of the school year and everyone approached these changes and challenges as a team. Northwood Together! We are all continuing to live the Evergreen Way! Go Evergreens!
Thank you Cara Walters for designing some new custom signage for the District. She also helped design flowcharts for some of our newly implement processes and procedures. We have so many people that are willing to volunteer for our school district. Thank you.
The new outdoor learning pavilion located by the Northwood Community Garden is nearly complete thanks to Jim and Lee Block. What great work! The teachers are looking forward to having lessons outdoors as we have such beautiful grounds at Northwood.
Students that drive will still be using the main entrance. We also have new crosswalk lines for additional safety.
Another reminder that the new student drop off for parents is at the old bus circle entrance. Doors open at 8 a.m. Thank you!
Just a reminder...the Richards Auditorium entrance will be the bus drop off and pick up for students beginning tomorrow. Thank you Mrs. Duffy for all your hard work on the landscaping...it looks wonderful!
Just a quick video with bus updates. Looking forward to the first day of school tomorrow. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QINQzaqv48Gjr82TeTSylAS6Iu-nWThM/view?usp=sharing
The Back to School Picnic on August 18 has been cancelled due to large gathering restrictions.
We thank Spooner Health for their recent donation of 100 childrens cloth masks. We greatly appreciate our local support!
Back to School Information - The first day of school is Thursday, August 20th. The Back to School packets were mailed out to families earlier this week.
The District has implemented many new infection control and prevention practices and procedures aimed at increasing the health and safety of our staff and students. Some examples of these proactive measures are listed in our Northwood Together plan which is located on our district website homepage. Also included in this plan are the 4 phases that represent an overview of the district plan for the education setting during this COVID-19 health crisis. The District is planning to begin the school year using the Phase 1 model which involves staff and students being back at school with face-to-face instruction. The school environment will include some new practices where acceptable, feasible, and practical such as physical distancing, limited class sizes, increased outdoor learning opportunities, and much more. The District is also adopting the details listed in the Office of the Governor’s Order relating to preventing the spread of COVID-19 by requiring face coverings in certain situations.
We have great alternative options for our students including the traditional setting of face-to-face including our Northwood Elementary, Middle and High School, and NorthStar Charter School. We also have our Northwood Virtual School and Distance Learning options for families that are seeking a learning environment for their children that allows them to be homebound. As we work with families, we are confident that we can identify the best learning environment for each student in the Northwood School District. Please contact the office with any questions or to discuss an educational plan for your child(ren).
We will be releasing daily details and examples of our plan beginning next week.
Hey all!
I am sharing an art contest opportunity from the American Legion, Department of Wisconsin. The contest is called Patriotism and Purpose. You can visit their website (wilegion.org) the guidleines are located at the very bottom of the homepage. Or contact me and I can send them to you if you are interested.
Hope you are all enjoying your summer!
Northwood School District is looking for contractors to give estimates for building outdoor learning spaces in order to take advantage of the wonderful space we have on our district property. This will also help us prepare for the school year as students will be able to enjoy some fun outdoor lessons. See image provided by Walker Lumber Company. We already have a 13 x 24 concrete slab. Please contact the district if you know of interested builders. Evergreen Pride!
Northwood Families - We hope this message finds you and your families healthy and enjoying summer.
As we continue working on the responsive plan for returning to education this fall, we are focusing on the health and safety of our students and staff along with the needs of our families. This tentative plan highlights just a few proactive measures the district is taking along with details of a plan for returning to education with the following options:
Option 1: Northwood School District (In-Person with Blended Options) - We will be using the 4-Phase plan as specified within the "Northwood Together" document.
Option 2: Northwood Virtual School (Virtual Setting) - Families may be unaware, but this option has existed for numerous years and is currently being updated. The district is working towards new and creative options for students to continue their education plan while having virtual options with Northwood teachers. This is an option that allows current Northwood students to enroll by simply contacting the office.
Please contact the school district with any questions as we continue to plan.
The high school yearbooks are in and can be picked up from the office Monday - Thursday from 8 AM - 2 PM. There are no extras, but books can still be ordered until August 3rd. See this pdf for details and instructions: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IdcvRnrCH3740fZRrZRY2oGWgx-MA54r/view?usp=sharing
Elementary / Middle School / NorthStar yearbooks are in and can be picked up from the office Monday - Thursday from 8 AM - 2 PM. Those who reserved copies will receive theirs first; however, there are a few extras for sale. Payment of $12.00 is due upon pick up and checks can be made to Northwood School.
The Northwood School District held the second planning meeting yesterday and would like to thank all those that completed the survey that was recently sent out. The response was great. Responses of the survey were reviewed as we kicked off the collaboration. This feedback assisted in the progress towards the planning for the 2020-21 school year. The goal is to have a list of proactive health and wellness measures in place and a draft of our plan for returning to school which will be presented at the next Board meeting on July 16th. If you didn’t get a chance, please use this link to complete the survey. https://forms.gle/9Fq7mc1UdQgUaTwUA
This fall we will reopen school and education will resume in some capacity. Our goal is to determine how we can reopen the Northwood School District while keeping the health and safety of our students and staff a top priority. Use this link https://forms.gle/9Fq7mc1UdQgUaTwUA and take a few moments to complete the Back to School Survey in order for the Planning Committee to best meet the needs of our students and community as plans are solidified to return to school on August 20th.
Hello Northwood Families, Today, the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) released their Education Forward: Safely and Successfully Reopening Wisconsin Schools guidance document. The Northwood School District will be looking at these guidelines very closely. There is also a small group of parents, community members, and school employees from different areas of the building (Administration, Teachers, Food Service, Safety Coordinators, School Board Member, etc.) that are working on a responsive plan for reopening our school for next school year.