Northwood School salutes our seniors! Today, we celebrate Jaden Stock as a member of the Class of 2022.
There are still 5 pre-sale elementary/middle school/NorthStar yearbooks available for $15.00. They are limited, so extras may not be available. These yearbooks will be delivered the last week of school. See attached image for more details. Extra flyers are available in the office. Don't miss out!
You still have some time to buy a High School Yearbook. Purchases can only be made online at: The school code is: 1015664752144167. The deadline is May 27th.
Another reminder that June 6th - 17th Northwood School will be holding Summer School for students who just completed grades 4K-5th. Information forms were sent home with students on Monday. Students can be registered by turning in the form to the office or online at
Just a reminder next week (5/9 - 5/13) the Northwood Student Council is having a Spring Week of dress-up days. Here is the list of details.
Northwood School salutes our seniors! Today, we celebrate Marlen Serrano Orozco as a member of the Class of 2022.
Make sure to wish all of our Northwood kitchen staff Happy School Lunch Hero Day!! Our school is very fortunate to have those people as a part of our Northwood family!
Northwood School salutes our seniors! Today, we celebrate Brooke Schulenberg as a member of the Class of 2022.
Just a reminder that June 6th - 17th Northwood School will be holding Summer School for students who just completed grades 4K-5th. Information forms were sent home with students on Monday. Students can be registered by turning in the form to the office or online at
Next week (5/9 - 5/13) the Northwood Student Council is having a Spring Week of dress-up days. Here is the list of details.
Northwood School salutes our seniors! Today, we celebrate Lily Sandberg as a member of the Class of 2022.
Here is the YouTube link for the Northwood Evergreens Live feed of today's Elementary Spring Concert:
Northwood School salutes our seniors! Today, we celebrate Joseph Ryder as a member of the Class of 2022.
Today (5/2/22) is the last day to get early bird pricing ($12.00) for the Elementary / Middle School / NorthStar Yearbooks. After today, yearbooks will cost $15.00. These yearbooks will be delivered before school is out for summer vacation. See attached image for more details. Extra flyers are available in the office.
Click this link ( to see a glimpse into what our elementary students saw this morning with our blast off for Summer School! The dates for this adventure are June 6th - 17th. Information sheets were sent home today with students who will be completing 4K through 5th grades this year. Registration can be done by returning the sheets to the office or via this link:
The Wisconsin Department of Justice is thrilled to introduce the SPEAK UP, SPEAK OUT (SUSO) Resource Center! SUSO was created to help keep students safe by offering a comprehensive, one-stop place to turn with safety concerns, including a threat reporting system. Northwood School has joined in on this endeavor and students in grades 6-12 had presentations on this topic last Friday. Visit to learn more. #SpeakUpWI
Mark your calendars! June 6th - 17th Northwood School will be holding Summer School for students who just completed grades 4K-5th. Information forms were sent home with students today. Students can be registered by turning in the form to the office or online at
Northwood School salutes our seniors! Today, we celebrate Wesley Rich as a member of the Class of 2022.
Northwood School salutes our seniors! Today, we celebrate Annika Patrick as a member of the Class of 2022.
The Northwood MS/HS Spring Concert can viewed via Livestream tonight at 6:00pm. You can view the concert at the following link or go to the Northwood Evergreens Live channel on YouTube. The link is: