Enrollment Information
Things that Make Northwood School District a Great Choice:
Small Class Sizes
On-site Daycare for 6 week to 3 year olds
3K Pre-School Programming
Free Before Programming for All Students
Free After School Programming for K-12 Students
(Monday - Thursday)
Free Breakfast & Lunch for All Students
On-Site School-To-Home Liaison
Free Co-Curricular Programming for Middle & High School Students
NorthStar Charter School Option for Grades 4-8
College Credit and Advanced Course Opportunities
Youth Apprenticeship Opportunities for 11th and 12th grade students
On-Site Academic and Behavior Supports Programming

Incoming Students Who Live Within the District:
To know if your home is in the Northwood School District, check your tax statement to see what school district your tax dollars go to.
Enrollment of Incoming Students Who Live Outside the District:
Wisconsin’s public school open enrollment window is open from February 3rd through April 30th. This program allows parents to apply for their children to attend a school district other than the one in which they live. Applications may be submitted to up to three nonresident school districts if the pupil wishes to attend a brick and mortar school. Wisconsin's Department of Public Instruction (DPI) has an electronic brochure explaining the process at https://dpi.wi.gov/oe.
Application During Open Enrollment Window
Open enrollment is still possible after the April 30th deadline, however, the form to complete for DPI is different. Once that is available, the link will be posted here.